Oleh :
Dosen Pengampu :
a. Boylestad, Robert L. and Louis Nashelsky. 2013. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory. Pearson.
b. Brindley, Keith. 2005. Starting Electronic 3rd Edition. Newness.
c. Cathey, Jimmie J. 2002. Theory and Problems of Electronic Device and Circuit. McGraw Hill.
d. Darwison, 2010, Teori, Simulasi dan Aplikasi Elektronika, Jilid 1. ISBN: 978-602-9081-10-7. Padang : CV Ferila
b. Brindley, Keith. 2005. Starting Electronic 3rd Edition. Newness.
c. Cathey, Jimmie J. 2002. Theory and Problems of Electronic Device and Circuit. McGraw Hill.
d. Darwison, 2010, Teori, Simulasi dan Aplikasi Elektronika, Jilid 1. ISBN: 978-602-9081-10-7. Padang : CV Ferila